America's Energy News Channel

Limecrete Mix

The Proper Mix of Lime and Biofiber to Make Limecrete

Limecrete, also known as lime concrete, is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional concrete that offers several advantages. It is made by mixing lime with other materials, such as biofiber, to create a sustainable and durable building material. In this article, we will explore the proper mix of lime and biofiber to make limecrete.

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Variable Pitch Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Variable Pitch Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

A variable pitch vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) offers several advantages, particularly in terms of its efficiency. By allowing for the adjustment of the blade angle, a VAWT can greatly enhance its performance and power generation capabilities. This article will explore the benefits of a variable pitch VAWT and how it can maximize energy production.

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